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Christian Education at Day’s Ferry Congregational Church is integral to the enrichment of our congregation. Adult education programs provide support for members seeking to enhance their understanding of the scripture and its impact on how we live today. Some programs address topics related to spiritual growth and worship, while others focus on inspiring books, art, mentorship, and issues important to our everyday lives. Coming together with other members of the community in the spirit of deepening our knowledge, examining our beliefs, and sharing our experiences, encourages the valuable ongoing dialogue that exists among our congregation. Here, members and visitors will find opportunities to explore these topics. We welcome you to join the conversation.
Adult Bible Study
September – June, Mondays, 10 am, Johnson Hall at the church.
From September into June, up to a dozen adults gather for an hour every Monday morning to study the Bible. Our practice is for the Pastor or a volunteer from the group to facilitate the discussion of the reading for that day. We read straight through the Book, Gospel or Letter — some days we make it through a chapter, sometimes only a verse or two.
We welcome everyone interested in coming on Monday morning. Attendance is not taken, no advance prep is required, and there are no tests! Come whenever you can…we will be glad to include you in our reading and discussion. We learn a lot AND we have a lot of fun!
In Bible Study, we thoughtfully read and study the books of the Bible, ask questions, and address how the scripture applies to our daily lives.
Book Series
Other discussion groups happen, from time to time, about books, movies, music, or whatever inspires. Recent book discussions have included Being Mortal, Between the World and Me, Hillbilly Elegy and My Ántonia.