
Uplifting Our Community  ~       

Part of the mission of Day’s Ferry Congregational Church is to join in a commitment to uplifting our congregation, our local communities, and our entire human family through stewardship and charitable works.

DFCC contributes generously of its time and resources to several important outreach and mission efforts. Our congregation members are committed community supporters, volunteers, and contributors to local organizations. We participate through donation drives, charitable walks/runs and fundraising efforts. We are grateful for our many blessings and want to use them to help others.

As part of our many outreach efforts, DFCC provides monetary donations, and food supplied by our church garden. Our members also volunteer to provide staff to the Bath Area Food Pantry.

Each year through the mission of the Salvation Army, DFCC provides Thanksgiving dinners, food baskets, and holiday gifts to area families in need. Our congregation is generous with their gifts so that everyone can enjoy the blessings of the season.

The church regularly provides assistance to local community organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, 7 Rivers Maine, Tedford Shelter, and Bath Area Food Pantry.

We are grateful to those who volunteer. If you are seeking volunteer opportunities, contact us at daysferrycc@gmail.com for information about current and upcoming needs.

Tedford Housing Habitat for Humanity
New Oasis Bath Food Bank Salvation Army